A Field Guide for Working with Lots


Engagement, illustration, and collaborative design for stewardship of Detroit land. 

In 2015, Detroit faced a significant challenge: nearly 40 square miles of open, structure-free land, a result of the rapid demolition of vacant structures, sprawled across the city. Recognizing the need for a creative and thoughtful approach to land stewardship, local think tank Detroit Future City (DFC), partnered with the Work Department to develop a solution. Together, we envisioned an accessible, practical tool to empower property owners and residents to transform vacant lots into vibrant community assets. Our shared goal was to make it easier for residents to implement environmentally friendly, site-specific green infrastructure that would benefit both the land and the surrounding neighborhoods while being simple to maintain.

Poster explaining benefits green infrastructure.

Our collaborative design process began with a series of workshops and conversations involving Detroit Future City and a network of over 50 residents, community groups, and environmental experts. Together, we worked to define green infrastructure in a way that was simple, accessible, and directly relevant to Detroiters. Through this process, we identified practical, replicable lot treatments and designed customizable, hands-on activities to help residents envision and plan the transformation of vacant lots. These activities included mapping exercises, brainstorming sessions with neighbors, and tools for exploring lot designs.

To translate these ideas into action, we paired the strategies and activities developed during the workshops with vibrant, approachable visuals, creating Working with Lots: A Field Guide. This in-depth workbook equips residents with clear, actionable information and engaging activities to shape land use in their neighborhoods. The guide features large, easy-to-read type and a bright, inviting color palette to ensure accessibility and engagement. Importantly, it was designed to be just as effective when printed in black-and-white, allowing for widespread distribution and use. The result is a resource that not only informs but inspires—a tool that anyone in Detroit can pick up and use to make a difference.

Since launching the Working with Lots program in 2016, Detroit Future City has awarded grants to 50 organizations, empowering communities to bring their visions for vacant lots to life. The workbook has become a cornerstone resource for grantees, providing practical guidance and fostering collaboration among residents. By bridging the gap between knowledge and action, this tool has helped transform Detroit’s vacant land challenge into an opportunity for growth, sustainability, and community-building.


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Group of people wearing matching red shirts building a garden.
Poster with definition of green infrastructure.
Copies of spiral bound Working with Lots: A Field Guide with green plants in the background.
Inside spread of Working with Lots: A Field Guide
Inside spread of Working with Lots: A Field Guide